Coffee & cobots
Come and visit us at at our facilities in Basingstoke, Hampshire to find out how TM cobots can work for you.

You’re invited to join us for a one-to-one coffee & cobots session.
This will take place in our facility located in Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Not only does excellent cup of coffee await you, but it’ll also give you a great opportunity to learn more about Techman AI collaborative robots and their benefits to automation and manufacturing.
On the day, we will provide you with exciting demonstrations, talks on capabilities and integration, and answer any questions you may have surrounding our TM AI cobots.
If you’d like to come and visit our facility, take a look at our calendar and select the date that best suits you.
We look forward to meeting you over coffee, soon.
*Please note that your registration is only valid once you’ve received confirmation from us
Call us: 01256 365605
Email us: